Disseminating scientific work: publishing and other forms of scientific communication

10h -12h
Lieu : videoconference
Doctorants Formations doctorales Recherche BU BU Santé BU SHS BU Droit-Gestion LILLIAD

All doctoral schools

  • Understand the editorial circuit and the economic and intellectual issues involved in contemporary scientific publishing, whether "open" or not.
  • Be familiar with the different ways of doing open access (green, golden and diamond paths).
  • Be familiar with the various forms of scientific communication


Introductory session on “publishing and disseminating your scientific work ».

  • Overview of contemporary scientific publishing and the issues involved, with a look at the editorial circuit and the various stages in the process of submitting an article.
  • Publishing to make your work known: the actors involved in scientific publication in a context of increasing openness.
  • Other forms of scientific communication: pre-prints, presentations at conferences, etc.

Registration on Adum

  • Language : this module is offered in English.
  • Duration: 2 hours

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